
Humans & AI: digital interactions

Artificial intelligence has become ubiquitous and polarising: a world of data between great promises and nightmare scenarios.
Teenagers & Adults
Age 12+
AI is already influencing many of the decisions we make in our daily lives, while at the same time securing urban infrastructure. But these technological possibilities are also accompanied by demands for transparency, co-determination and control.
The Smart World exhibition shows how much AI systems are already shaping our everyday lives: at work, through lasting changes in the communication and media landscape, in medical diagnoses – or to make weather forecasts more reliable. The journey through the exhibition offers critical and creative perspectives on the promise of a smart future, as well as an introduction to the workings and principles of these new technologies. We ask about the interactions between humans and AI: Who is shaping AI and what is it doing to us?


Please note that this guided tour is held in German.