In the TMW-Zine we provide exclusive glimpses behind the scenes, tell interesting stories about the exciting museum work and present our research projects. In addition to your museum visit, you can always discover something new here!

Our Stories

Motorsports in Austria

The archive of the Technisches Museum Wien (Vienna Museum of Science and Technology) holds the bequests of two Austrian motorsports photographers who were among the best in their field: Artur Fenzlau and Erwin Jelinek.
Motorsports in Austria

Nazi Provenance Research

Provenance research investigates the origins of objects from the individual collections to find out whether they were unlawfully seized from their former owners during the Nazi-era.
Nazi Provenance Research

Depot inventory project

The Technisches Museum Wien has a very large pool of objects dating back to the 18th century. They are only available for museum tasks once they have been inventoried and recorded according to location.
Depot inventory project