Vienna Museum of Science and Technology

Historical objects enter into dialogue with innovative technologies in our multi-faceted exhibitions. With interactive experiences and exciting tours and programmes our objects come to live while our puzzle hunt encourages an active and engaging museum visit. 




at TMW

Mon 17.02.09:3010:10
Reservation Children Area
3 tickets available
€ 2,50
Mon 17.02.11:3012:10
Reservation Children Area
3 tickets available
€ 2,50
Mon 17.02.12:3013:10
Reservation Children Area
36 tickets available
€ 2,50
Mon 17.02.14:0014:40
Reservation Children Area
34 tickets available
€ 2,50
Mon 17.02.15:0015:40
Reservation Children Area
40 tickets available
€ 2,50
Mon 17.02.16:0016:40
Reservation Children Area
30 tickets available
€ 2,50
Mon 17.02.17:0017:40
Reservation Children Area
36 tickets available
€ 2,50
Reservation Children Area
€ 2,50
Mon 17.02.10:0010:40
Reservation Children Area
11 tickets available
€ 2,50
Mon 17.02.11:0011:40
Reservation Children Area
11 tickets available
€ 2,50
Mon 17.02.12:0012:40
Reservation Children Area
34 tickets available
€ 2,50
Mon 17.02.13:0013:40
Reservation Children Area
35 tickets available
€ 2,50
Mon 17.02.14:0014:40
Reservation Children Area
35 tickets available
€ 2,50
Mon 17.02.15:0015:40
Reservation Children Area
35 tickets available
€ 2,50
Mon 17.02.16:0016:40
Reservation Children Area
35 tickets available
€ 2,50
Mon 17.02.17:0017:40
Reservation Children Area
35 tickets available
€ 2,50
Mon 17.02.10:3011:00
Guide / Action
3 tickets available
€ 3,90
Mon 17.02.11:0011:30
Guide / Action
4 tickets available
€ 3,90
Mon 17.02.11:3012:00
Guide / Action
4 tickets available
€ 3,90
Mon 17.02.12:0012:30
Guide / Action
4 tickets available
€ 3,90
Mon 17.02.13:0013:30
Guide / Action
4 tickets available
€ 3,90
Mon 17.02.13:3014:00
Guide / Action
4 tickets available
€ 3,90
Mon 17.02.14:0014:30
Guide / Action
3 tickets available
€ 3,90
Mon 17.02.15:0015:30
Guide / Action
4 tickets available
€ 3,90
Mon 17.02.15:3016:00
Guide / Action
4 tickets available
€ 3,90
Mon 17.02.16:3017:00
Guide / Action
1 ticket available
€ 3,90
Mon 17.02.17:0017:30
Guide / Action
4 tickets available
€ 3,90
Guide / Action
30 tickets available
€ 5,50



Plastic fantastic? Reusable, synthetic, problematic
Guided Tour

Plastic fantastic? Reusable, synthetic, problematic

Plastic is found in every household, isn’t it? What is plastic actually made of? And what happens to plastic once we have used it?
Sat 08.03.11:0012:00
Buzz-buzz, the robotic bee is on the move

Buzz-buzz, the robotic bee is on the move

How does a robot work? What different types of robots are there? Together we explore the world of robotics!
Sat 15.03.12:3013:30
Guided Tour


Would you like to fly to space? Or conduct research on a space station? Find out what it takes to get there in our guided tour!
Sat 15.03.14:0014:45
The crazy laboratory

The crazy laboratory

In the “crazy laboratory”, all birthday party guests will become scientists and explorers!
Sun 23.03.14:0016:00
Let’s talk about love
Guided Tour

Let’s talk about love

In this guided tour, the Technisches Museum Wien (Vienna Museum of Science and Technology) focuses all attention on love: However, it’s about much more than just “amorous” technologies such as condom dispensers or vibrators.
Climate change – technological change
Guided Tour

Climate change – technological change

It’s getting warmer: The climate change has implications for all parts of the world. But what causes this change? How do humans influence the climate? Is mankind threatened by a “climate disaster”? And if so, what can we do about it? 
Music in the air
Guided Tour

Music in the air

How is sound generated and how does it reach the ear? What is sound? And how can instruments appear as if played by an invisible hand? Join us on an exciting tour of our music collection! 

TMW ToGo-App

Your personal tour through Vienna Museum of Science and Technology accompanied by Augmented Reality (AR)!
Download now and receive 10% off the admission fee and the event tickets!
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